Gesellschaft für außergewöhnliche Ideen
The world's largest artificial island
Waki Zöllner's "Atoll" 1976, the largest artificial island in the world

Waki Zöllner
Floating islands

Waki Zöllner (born 1935) studied philosophy, art history and archeology, and after graduation, went on to study painting at the academy of graphic and plastic arts in Munich. In the mid-sixties, he started his career as an avant-garde sculptor . He also worked as a free-lance designer and consultant for companies like Alkor, BASF, BMW, Bayer and Shell, for the German government and for a number of newspaper publishers. Among other projects, he designed several underground stations in Munich and created the concept for the BMW Museum.

For the past fifteen years, Waki Zöllner has been working on the development of floating islands. A prototype, the world's largest artificial island, was in use in the Baltic Sea for thirteen years. Based on the resulting experiences, Waki Zöllner developed his "Floatel 2000". It measures 146 meters in diameter and 50,8 meters in height above the water level. 72.000 square meters offer space for nearly 2000 people to live and work comfortably on this technologically well-equipped and, with regard to energy and drinking-water, widely self-supporting island. Please join us on Friday, 28 May 1999, to hear more from Waki Zöllner about his project which could be applied to use in space and on other planets. 
information about Waki Zöllner and his projects in German


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